Simplify rental property compliance

Ensure your jurisdiction offers a safe and healthy environment for both landlords and tenants. CityView Rental Housing allows you to manage every aspect of rental property tracking and adherence to property standards, from registration and compliance inspections to renewals and maintenance.

Driving success in Ontario's rental program

Discover how the City of Ontario, California, saw a 300% increase in inspection pass rates since implementing CityView Rental Housing.


Ensure compliance

  • Rental Housing provides a central repository of information on all your rental properties with easy access to ownership, current permit/license status, and inspection and compliance history.

Speed up the renewal process

  • Facilitate an otherwise time-consuming process. Automate the renewal process through batch processing; automatically calculate the renewal fees; and generate the renewal notifications by batch.
  • Increase the amount of time inspectors can be in the field monitoring for compliance and ensuring the safety of rental properties.

Increase staff productivity

  • CityView Mobile facilitates inspections by providing inspection to-do lists, inspection checklists and re-inspection features that ensure a thorough record of the compliance assessment, entered in real time from the field, eliminating paper and duplicate data entry.

Ready to get started?

Contact us. Find out how we can save time on renewals and give your inspectors more time in the field.