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Written by Admin | Oct 20, 2020 4:00:00 AM
Introducing: CityView Assistant

CityView's intelligent chatbot, “Fraser,” improves community engagement for municipalities.


Are you looking for a simple and affordable way to improve community engagement? CityView's newly developed assistant, an intelligent chatbot named "Fraser," simplifies the process for builders to schedule inspections and check on permit status.

Fraser provides an intuitive and handy way for municipal builders to communicate with the CityView system and query permits while on the go, directly from their mobile device.

See how it works; watch the video below.

What can Fraser do for you?

  • Provide information on a particular inspection, such as the:

    • Assigned inspector

    • Type of inspection (electrical, fire prevention, etc.)

    • Inspection result (pass/fail, if the inspection has been completed)

  • Schedule or cancel an inspection

  • Check the status of a permit application

  • And more!

Ask Fraser

Below is a sampling of questions you can ask Fraser:

  • Tell me about the permit at 872 Langford Parkway

  • Request the electrical final inspection for next Monday

  • Has the fire prevention inspection been completed for Benbury Lane?

CityView Assistant supports text messaging, uses natural language that's easy to understand and is familiar with CityView terminology.

Sign up below to be the first to receive the latest information regarding CityView Assistant, including demo dates and other related news!

CityView Assistant News